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Cast & Crew

The Greenman: Sons of Tara Podcast would not be possible without the talents and efforts of its dedicated cast and crew. 


N. K. Schlaudecker (she/they) is the author of the Greenman series, including Sons of Tara  and Fyreborn, with the third installment, Sacred River, slated for release in early 2023. 

N. K. performs the roles of Bracken, Aengus, and young Jack Rodach, as well as scripting, producing, and directing the podcast.

She is a 20 year member of Commedia del Arte and plays Gawain/Gwinlain in Beyond the Myst. 


Shari Prestwood, director and writer for the Commedia del Arte Traveling Players ( and the Beyond the Myst film ( portrays Dominic and Liam of Sadbh-Sianach


Stephanie Evers-Ard  portrays Tierney, also lending her voice to the Shades and Slugah spirits.


She is a 14 year veteran actor with the Commedia del Arte Traveling Players, and is a cast member (Lady Aryn) in Beyond the Myst.


Alice Dennis - Tara, Dierdre of the Fia

She has performed with Commedia del Arte and plays the Lady of the Lake in the Beyond the Myst film. 


Eamon Coughlan is the composer and musician behind the soundtrack for Greenman. Eamon is a composer and musician from Australia, currently living in Scotland. He grew up immersed in Irish folk music as a dancer, before becoming more directly involved as a musician, playing in folk bands and working as a ceilidh player and dance-caller in Scotland. He later spent 2 years studying Nordic music in Sweden, and has participated extensively in intercultural music exchange programs to learn music from other traditions and regions such as the Balkans, Middle East and Latin America. He has also been an avid fantasy reader, writer, gamer and mythology enthusiast since childhood, and thoroughly enjoys combining music and storytelling in his composition work.


Ashley Kuppersmith (RiSK Studios), art director and lifetime actor of Commedia del Arte, voices Grunlich, Captain Iollan Marsh, Diarmuid, Collin Rodach, and one of the Sluagh.

Elizabeth Smith voices the Sluagh spirit, Ianthe the Rowan Dryad, and Siulta Fyreborn, as well as lending her voice to the Shades. 


She is a member of Commedia del Arte and in the cast of Beyond the Myst. 


Trista Lackey-Wallace voices Hugh Rodach and Father Loxias, "the Shattered God".

She is a member of Commedia del Arte, and Beyond the Myst. 


Christy Barnette voices the Lady Orla, Dryad of Oak, and Pontius (Piran) acolyte of the Shattered God. 


She is a member of Commedia del Arte. 


Dana Reeves voices Sadbh the Elder. She is a lifetime member of Commedia del Arte, and is also a cast member in Beyond the Myst. 


Kenneth Nigrelle voices Eoghan. 


JT McClanahan voices Sloan and Fintan.


Amber Walker voices Windswift and Alba of the Fia. 


Anna Wheeler voices Robin Rodach. She has performed with Commedia del Arte, appearing as Inspector Lestrade in Sherlock Holmes and Renfield in Dracula & Me, and in the Joe Jefferson Playhouse production of The Crucible. 


Jonathan Dennis appears as The Hunter and Cathbad. He has performed with Commedia del Arte. 

Molly Laurendine appears as Margery "Mags" Rodach and Mil


Jeff Blakeney portrays Reginald "Reg" and Brian. He is a storytelling artist and "semi-pro weirdo." 

Derrick Taylor voices Lord Fyre and Fionn.

Aeron Pierce (they/them) voices the sprites.

Deborah Snowden provides Tierney's singing voice.

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